The Benefits of Spa Foot Treatments

foot treatments 19 Mar

The Benefits of Spa Foot Treatments

If you have foot problems or cracked heels that you want to get rid of, then it is time to stop procrastinating and start foot treatments for hard skin and cracked heels right away. After all, that first appointment with the foot specialist is already two weeks away! That is far too long to wait on foot issues that can be easily taken care of in your own home. After eight hours in the doctor’s office and a very sweaty back at the gym, your feet likely look less than stellar if you are using one of the following best foot treatments for hard skin and cracked heels.

A Foot Soak

Doctors love foot baths, and you may even have had one at some point in your life. What is afoot bath exactly, though? A foot soak is simply a soak in a special moisturizer that is designed specifically for your feet, and it will soften and soak up the oils that can be trapped by your skin on your feet, heels, and other problem areas.

  • Two applications per day. Most foot treatments for athlete’s foot are done twice a day, usually four weeks apart. This means that your foot problem will be dealt with for at least two weeks in a row. This gives your body ample time to build up an adequate defence to combat an athlete’s foot, and it will also allow your fungus treatment to work more effectively.
  • Three to four weeks. Since you will be going back and forth between three to four weeks in a row, your foot treatments for the athlete’s foot may need to be made longer for them to work the best. Remember, you want to give your body enough time for the fungus to build up a thick wall of protection around your skin. You will have to be consistent, or else you will never get rid of your problem.
  • Three weeks and then. You should do your foot treatments for athlete’s foot three to four weeks in a row, followed by a short break of a few days. Your feet will need to rest from their rigorous workouts and from all the scratching and rubbing that is normal with dry skin and cracked heels. Some people like to keep their feet elevated when they sleep at night so that they don’t scrape their heels all night long. Whatever works best for you, just remember that your feet need time to build up some resistance to the dry skin and cracked heels.
foot treatments
  • Three months and then. After you have done your foot treatments for the athlete’s foot for three to four months in a row, you can move on to the next stage of your plan. The final step in your treatment involves using a foot soak for a few nights and re-applying the oil. If you do this right, you will find that your foot treatments for athlete’s foot will help eliminate the infection and help to moisturize your skin, too.
  • Three years. If your foot problem has been going on for three years, you are probably in the advanced stages of an athlete’s foot. At this point, there are only a few treatment options available to you. You may be referred to a podiatrist for more invasive treatment options.


The third stage of your foot’s inevitable aging process is called the formation of calluses. This usually occurs on the soles of your feet, but it can occur anywhere along the edges of your toes. If it does, this is a sign that you have neglected your foot problems for too long. You may be causing them by not properly caring for your feet. A visit to your podiatrist will help you determine what your next steps should be.

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